Learn my exact method to earn a full-time income working from home as a virtual assistant

    During this free training, you'll learn...

    How you can earn $100k+ annually working as a virtual assistant, so you can start being your own boss (all from home!).

    What paying clients are REALLY looking for in a VA, so you don't waste time on a service no one actually wants.

    How to find thousands of clients who are waiting for your service, giving you a steady stream of high quality leads.

    A full-time income from home is absolutely possible.

    What are you waiting for?!


    This training is for you, if you want...

    • A flexible, stay-at-home career
    • The ability to work the hours you want
    • Unlimited growth potential at a job you love
    • The ability to create a sustainable and scalable business 

    This detailed training combines thousands of hours of research, years of experience in growing a virtual assistant business, and the power of a coach who has helped thousands of students launch and grow their own VA businesses from scratch. 

    Can I watch the training right now?

    Yep! This is a pre-recorded training that you'll have INSTANT access to. You can start learning how to start your Virtual Assistant journey right now. Why wait!?


    Who's teaching this thing?

    Abbey Ashley, Founder of The Virtual Savvy

    Abbey Ashley is the Founder of The Virtual Savvy. She helps aspiring virtual assistants launch and grow their own at-home business from scratch. Abbey started her own Virtual Assistant business in 2015 and was able to double the salary from her previous full-time corporate job, working only 20 hours a week... in just 30 days! She's since gone on to grow a multi-seven figure business and retire her husband ALL from her at-home business. It's now her passion to help others start their own VA business so they can experience their freedom life!


    Replace your 9-5 income, and become a booked out virtual assistant

    watch the free training now!